I've got production apps running on 1.1 RC2 on WAS 4, so I would hope that
means it is possible to do so. ;^)  

BTW, I didn't make any changes to the struts code for WAS 4, so that's not
your problem.

OTOH, looking at my copy of the RC2 source it would seem you are indeed
running a later version than I am, so try the RC2 build and see what

Looking at the error, I would say something is wrong with your
configuration.  For brevity, I will assume your XML syntax and
struts-config.xml content are OK, but this could still be a couple things...
a) Your properties files are not on your classpath
b) It can't locate the DTD, although this is more likely to throw a SAX
exception.  You can eliminate this factor at any rate by keeping a copy of
the DTD in your WEB-INF folder and chainging your DOCTYPE declaration as
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
Configuration 1.1//EN" "struts-config_1_1.dtd">

David Hibbs
Staff Programmer / Analyst
Distributed Applications Development and Support
American National Insurance Company

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:22 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Is it possible to use struts 1.1 with WebSphere 4?
> Its b3 if I recall rightly. Ill download rc2 and have another 
> shot in the
> morning.
> Just wierd that it works in tomcat but fails in WS. I recall 
> seing something
> that said for WS3 you needed to change struts use of
> ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() - does that still apply in WS4?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Susan Bradeen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2003 19:57
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Is it possible to use struts 1.1 with WebSphere 4?
> Andrew,
> Sounds like something is amiss in your test app. I have been 
> running my
> app built around Struts 1.1 with WebSphere 4 for a long time. 
> Are you are
> using the latest jar files  ... RC2? Even with the trouble I ran into
> yesterday with the RC2 struts.jar, I can get my app to load 
> and do most
> things.
> Susan
> On 06/11/2003 07:25:57 AM "Andrew Hill" wrote:
> > We need to see if its possible to make our big complex 
> application work
> on
> > WebSphere 4. We had it working on 5.
> > The ui is done in struts and it was suggested that 
> struts1.1 couldnt be
> used
> > with WepSphere 4 as WS4 uses the 2.2 servlet API. I figured this
> shouldnt be
> > a problem as struts supports 2.2 and doesnt need 2.3
> >
> > Nevertheless I havent even been able to get a simple test 
> application to
> run
> > on WAS4. (Something of a struts equivalent to hello world". 
> - One action
> > that does a println to the response to prove you reached it)
> >
> > This test app deploys and runs just fine in tomcat 3.3.1a 
> (a servlet api
> 2.2
> > container) and of course in 4.0.6, but on websphere the 
> ActionServlet
> dies
> > in the init method with:
> >
> > SRVE0100E: Did not realize  init() exception thrown by 
> servlet action:
> > javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Parsing error 
> processing resource
> path
> > at
> >
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.initModuleConfig(Action
> Servlet.java:9
> > 52)
>  <snip/>
> > Is this just something Im doing wrong (ideas on what would be
> appreciated!),
> > or is it really true that you cant use struts 1.1 with websphere 4?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <useless-information>
> > Its a simple app I banged together with one action that 
> writes a string
> > directly to the response.
> > Its got a whole bunch of libs in WEB-INF/lib as Im not sure 
> what struts
> > needs and doesnt:
> > ie:
> > commons-beanutils.jar
> > commons-collections.jar
> > commons-dbcp.jar
> > commons-digester.jar
> > commons-fileuplaod.jar
> > commons-lang.jar
> > commons-logging.jar
> > commons-pool.jar
> > commons-resources.jar
> > commons-validator.jar
> > jakarta-oro.jar
> > jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
> > log4j-1.2.7.jar
> > struts.jar
> >
> > My logging properties are set up to use log4j, though Im 
> not calling the
> log
> > in my action.
> > Various config files are in my WEB-INF
> > struts-config.xml
> > tiles-def.xml
> > validation.xml
> > web.xml
> >
> > struts-config has been set up as simple as possible - just 
> maps one path
> to
> > one action. The other files are untouched and would be same 
> as whats in
> the
> > struts blank war.
> > </useless-information>
> >
> >
> > 
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