Check in your validation.xml if the messages (arg0, in this case) that are
binded with your error message is correct...
maybe it always returns the same error... (have you checked filling other form
fields and checking if messages change)?

Without the xml validation rule it is the best i can do... hope it works.

Pedro Salgado

 Internet Mail Message                                          
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From: Aleksandar Matijaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 16-06-2003 23:35
              Aleksandar Matijaca           To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           Cc:    (bcc: Pedroemanuel Salgado-PC/PGI)  
                                    Subject:      validation problem                   
                 17-06-2003 00:35                                                      
  Please respond to "Struts Users                                                      
                    Mailing List"                                                      
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                      

Hi there,

this is my first post!  I have inherited a web-based struts
project that is frankly a mess...  I have managed to straighten
out most things except something that is driving me nuts - this
is the problem:

Validation - I have 3 fields that need to be validated - if I do not
enter anything on all three fields, validation happens - I display
the messages in the JSP using the <logic:messagesPresent> 'loop'.
However, the problem occurs if I fill in one of the fields, it
STILL reports that the first field is in error (the other two
which are unfilled are in error alos - this is a good thing), even though
there is
a value there (the validation is simple 'required').  If I fill in
ALL THREE FIELDS, then validation is OK, and I go on to the next
page.  There seems to be almost some kind of a "caching" of errors
that is happening, and I don't know how to "turn it off".

Thanks Alex.

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