I found that Mastering Jarkarta Struts by James Goodwill from Wiley was the best quick start.

Struts in Action by Ted Husted from Manning is, IMNSHO, the definitive guide.

And the best, concise, well written and practical text is the smallest, The Struts Framework, Practical Gude for Java Programmers by Sue Spielman from Morgan Kaufmann. This later text is invaluable for excellent suggestions beyond basic how-to.

An excellent reference is the Jakarta Struts Pocket Reference (which I vastly prefer over the full version) by Chuck Cavaness from O'Reilly.

Professional Struts Applications by John Carnell, et al., from the now defunct Wrox is also an excellent start.

Struts Kick Start by James Turner, et al., from Sams is also good.

If you can only have one and need an absolute quick start with great hints and not a lot of hand holding, I'd suggest the Spielman book. Otherwise my one book recommendation would be the Husted text.

If you could go with two, then Goodwill and Husted.



At 10:26 PM 6/17/03, you wrote:
Hi all,

I am a struts newbie and am happy with the struts-documentaion.war

Can anyone suggest a good book on struts. I  feel that all the books
mentioned in the documentation - resources would definately be good, but
out of all those 6 shown, which one would be the best buy !

PS : I have to buy the book from my own expenses and my company is not
gonna buy it for me.

Thankyou in advance,
Vijay Pawar

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