Typically, the VO is used to populate a collection( eg ArrayList - Vectors not
usually used) of FormBeans and this is saved in some HttpServletRequet scope -
most frequently request scope - although for 'User' type data it is often
convenient to store this in session scope.

Once you have your collection of FormBeans in scope, you use the Struts (and/or
JSTL) tag libraries in the DetailPage.jsp to access the fields of the FormBeans


-----Original Message-----
From: Rajat Nayer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 June 2003 09:49
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: accessing VO by next view...


I am a newbie to struts.

I want to validate my undertsanding of the basic
Struts framework viz a viz the VO issue that i will
explain thereafter.

My understanding of the flow using struts and EJB is
as follows:

Browser -> ActionServlet -> populates FormBean and
instantiates the Action Class (based on
struts-config.xml entries)->calls EJB-> calls DAO->
accesses DB.

The DAO creates a VO that is passed back to the EJB
which in turn passes it back to the Action class.

Now, How is this VO data used by the next view (JSP)
defined. What is the mechanism?

For eample, in page1.html I have an id which is passed
all the way to the DAO. The DAO fetches the data from
the DB based on this ID and returns a collection (
maybe a vector of objects/resultset). Now how does the
next page i.e. the DetailPage.jsp get this data and
how to use this to show it in a tabular form.

I know it is a very basic question.. would appreciate
an easy to understand(newbie context) answer.

Thanks in advance,

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