How can I make to print 3 coluns for line with iterate, the modulos is a ArrayList 
populate with myBean (atributes:modulo_nome,modulo_path) objects , the problem is 
divide it in 3 coluns for line.Here my source code :

<logic:iterate id="listModulos" name="modulos" indexId="index" > 
   <% int line = index.intValue() % 3; %>
   <logic:equal parameter="0" value="<%line%>"   >                            
   <a href=<bean:write name="listModulos" property="modulo_path" />> <bean:write 
name="listModulos"  property="modulo_nome" /></a>              
                <logic:notEqual value="<%line%>" parameter="0" >
                   <a href=<bean:write name="listModulos" property="modulo_path" />> 
<bean:write name="listModulos" property="modulo_nome" /></a>                  

Daniel S.

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