you will something in the session for this.

I modified the "workflow" stuff to handle this

If a mapping has more than one path to it --> then you
have to override default behaviour in order to get to
the calling mapping.

I am thinking now that it would have been easier to
specify a different mapping that handles the return
differently.  This would force me to make sure my
back-end access is re-usable however.


--- "Prashanth.S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ya
> I agree with nicolas.But is there any way of  doing
> it typically THE STRUTS WAY???
> cheers
> Prashanth
> Nicolas De Loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > But by doing in this way, for the forward
> name="failure" I will always end up in
> StatuicUpload.jsp
> > (for the below example) I don't want to goto that
> jsp. I need to goto the parent page.
> > Let me explain the scenario once again. From two
> different jsps (say a.jsp and b.jsp) I am coming to
> > an action (bt clicking the link in each jsp). From
> this action, upon an error I want to go back to
> > "a.jsp" (if the request came from a.jsp) or to
> b.jsp (if the request came from b.jsp). So here I
> > won't be able to hard code the path either as
> "a.jsp" or as "b.jsp" in the struts-config.xml. In
> > you example upon error, it will always forward to
> StaticUpload.jsp
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Pramod
> If you really cannot set multiples action-mappings
> in struts-config.xml (that is the cleaner way to
> do), you can add a
> parameter to your request for the "incoming" JSP :
> and build a new forward in your action when errors
> occurs :
> if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
> saveErrors(request, errors);
> String commingFrom = request.getParameter("from");
> return new ActionForward(from);
> }
> Nico.
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