Glad it's working. In case you're not aware, ServletContext.getRealPath may not behave the way you're expecting if you deploy your app as a WAR file. From the Javadoc:

This method returns null if the servlet container cannot translate the virtual path to a real path for any reason (such as when the content is being made available from a .war archive).

This tends to bite people when they move from a development environment where the app is deployed as an "exploded" directory to a production or test environment where it's deployed as a WAR.

Mazza, Glen R., ,CPMS wrote:
Thanks to both--I implemented Mike's solution (also placed the stylesheet
more properly under the web-inf directory.)  It worked fine.
(ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() is also a good solution--thanks.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 2:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: resolving relative paths to servet webapp/myapp directory

I tend to use ClassLoader.getResource or ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream to load resources. The constraint, obviously, is that the class loader must be able to access the resources. Generally, this means placing resources under WEB-INF/classes or in JAR files in WEB-INF/lib. If you don't care about depending on the Servlet API, try ServletContext.getResource or ServletContext.getResourceAsStream. In your particular case, you'd use:

InputStream in =

Quoting Mike Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

we do something similar but we use the WEB-INF directory as the starting
point and all works fine
lets say we are looking for "XML/extraction-map-classday.xml"

the following code achieves this ...

public final class HomePageAction extends Action
String xmlURI =



Therefore the "RealPath" to extraction-map-classday.xml = the value in

if you had "stylesheets\mystylesheet.xsl" under the WEB-INF directory


you could follow or approach

i know it works for us but maybe we just got lucky !!!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mazza, Glen R., ,CPMS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 11:38 AM
Subject: resolving relative paths to servet webapp/myapp directory


I'm doing an XML->PDF XSLT transformation using a XSL stylesheet.

Programmatically, within my Action class, I refer to the stylesheet


by using a relative path, with the goal of it being relative to my


directory off of the servlet "webapps" directory:

TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new

Problem is, Struts appears to be resolving relative paths from my


working directory, *not* relative to the "appname" from the webapps
directory in Tomcat.

To confirm this, removing the xsl stylesheet from my working directory
returned this error when I ran the app in Tomcat:

and not this error:

How do I specify filenames in Struts so they will be resolved relative


the webapps\myapp directory (whatever I name "myapp" to be), and not my
(deleteable) working directory?


-- Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> D.O.Tech <>

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