I'm using IntelliJ now, but then I am also not charged with the main page
construction, just the technologies (tags, etc.) behind them.  Our page
designer uses HomeSite I believe, but is really just using it as an editor.
I can say for Tiles support, I think there are a few tools which support
them (Struts Console?, Struts Studio). But we are basically generating a
core set of Tiles templates by hand, then using controllers to populate
them. We reuse the same tiles over and over (with only a few tiles
definitions), so we're not always constantly creating tiles for each unique
page.   So using an IDE for this is not that big of a win at this point for

I'm not sure there exists a JSP tools/designer that natively supports Tiles,
but I could be wrong.  I think it would probably be a great thing if
whomever developed the DreamWeaver extension might extend it to support
Tiles if that's possible.  I think Struts Studio is a great idea, but IMO I
wouldn't want an editor that was specific to a technology. Many major IDE's
today support Struts (WSAD, WLW, JDeveloper 9.x) plus they understand the
other aspects of Struts like the config, action forms and classes. And you
have the facilities to create other J2EE artifacts for your app (Like EJBs,
Servlets, Tags, etc..).

-----Original Message-----
From: Erez Efrati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 3:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Working with Struts + Dreamweaver

Thank for answer,

So what do you usually use? And if the project also uses Tiles? Any help
here is blessed.. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:30 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Working with Struts + Dreamweaver

>1. Is it really necessary to work with such a product?

It's really up to you, whatever makes you most productive.  Have you
at using utilities like XDoclet to generate some of your code as well?

>2. Is it possible to work with Struts and Dreamweaver together? What
>does it take to do in order to achieve that?

I believe so, I don't use DW myself, but there was a post a few days/
1 week ago maybe where someone had developed an extension that enabled
to construct your pages with Struts tags, and view them in DW as the
they represent. Or something like that.  Although the tags of course are
just one aspect of Struts, not even the most criticial in that you can
any tag library with Struts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erez Efrati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 3:13 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Working with Struts + Dreamweaver

I have a JBoss/Tomcat/Struts project in which till now I have written
all the pages manually with a simple editor. I have recently downloaded
Dreamweaver by Macromedia and started playing with it to see what it is
capable of doing. Being far from expert in HTML page design my questions

1. Is it really necessary to work with such a product?
2. Is it possible to work with Struts and Dreamweaver together? What
does it take to do in order to achieve that?
3. Is there other products more integrated with the environment of
Struts ,JBoss ,Tomcat?

Any other help in the matter would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

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