Bailey, Shane C. wrote:

I'm trying state my opinion and learn (from replies).

About the only thing in that statement that I know is verifiably screwed up
is that Ant has no $var and I apologized and rectified what I meant in one
of my recent posts.

"Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?"

I hadn't read your apology when I replied. But even discounting your error about using variables in Ant, there were so many things I just didn't understand about your post:

> Why do you think Ant is so popular??? It got rid of all the $var UNIX
> script
> like crap and made it more like tags should be!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should build files be composed of tags at all? I think Ant is great too (a lot better than make), but does the fact that it is tag-based have anything to do with it? No. The reason that the original author went with XML for the structure of Ant build files had nothing to do with tags -- it had to do with hierarchy. See <> to read his thoughts on the matter (sorry for the cachelink but I can't find the official permalink).

Scriptlets are more powerful (you can do ANYTHING Java can do), faster,

Faster? Given a programmer with equal knowledge of scriptlets and JSTL, scriptlets are definitely not faster for development. Since when are they faster for performance? Plus they tend to be difficult to read -- and I say this as a former PHP programmer.

Believe me, JSTL will be easy to replace if someone comes out with an
alternative.  I am a programmer but I understand the importance of having
the tags be similar to HTML tags and not like tags containing scriptlets.

Okay, first of all, JSTL is a JCP specification (JSR-52, for more info see <>). It's not just some 3rd-party library that is going to be "replaced" any time soon. Second of all, it is actually a part of the JSP 2.0 specification (just as scriptlets are part of an earlier JSP specification). While scriptlets are still supported in JSP 2.0, it is clear that Sun and the JCP are trying to provide alternatives to scriptlets and at some point they might even be deprecated.

So sorry, but I had to ask - what the crap were you talking about.


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