----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: LookupDispatchAction

> Nalini wrote:
> > Alongside the 'school address' field I have a submit button, 'Find
> that allows a user to enter part of the
> > school name or address and hit this 'FindSchool' button which then goes
> off to another page (selectSchool.jsp)
> > that displays a list of matching schools.  The user then clicks on their
> chosen school on selectSchool.jsp and is
> > then returned to the RegisterForm with the 'school name' and 'school
> address' fields populated.
> I have exactly this flow in my own webapp, with the added complication
> the "Find School" part is used from multiple other forms.
> I use LDA for the editWhatever actions (Registration, in your case).  Then
> "cheat" by sticking the name of the "editWhatever" action into the session
> or request so I can use it to construct the "Go back where you came from"
> ActionForward.
> My biggest problem was that there is no "go back where you came from"
> inherent in the framework-- everything is forward-looking, do this, then
> forward to one of many places.

Yes. That is a recognized issue in Struts. I have discussed this issue
ago. A *fix* to the problem is to use the *.do in the input attribute
of the action mapping, something like the following one:

 <forward name="edit" path=".editor.foo.Update"/>
 <forward name="add"   path=".editor.fooCreate"/>
 <forward name="view"   path=".editor.fooView"/>
 <forward name="top"   path=".editor.fooTop"/>

You have to write one additional class for the /FooCRUDInput.do
action mapping in which you forward according to the request
parameter "dispatchAction".

> -- 
> Wendy Smoak
> Arizona State University

Netspread Carrier


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