Hi everyone,

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it.

I want to discuss some of the opinions I read in your answers.

Some people commented that it was strange I was looking to write a design document 
after I've finished development. I totally agree.

Someone suggested UML. I think UML would very well explain the object design, but how 
can it help in explaining the flow between the various actions and JSP's?

I looked in all latest three EJB specifications for examples of object call hierarchy 
diagrams. No luck, though :(

I found the Struts Studio diagrams quite "attractive". I didn't think they have much 
technical value. I used them, though, cause they looked nice in the document.

I checked out the other tool someone suggested, but the diagrams it generated were 

Also, in my investigations, I found out that there is no single UML tool that reverse 
engineers sequence diagrams. I know Together does that but it's for 6K per license.

I ended up using my company's design document template, but it was made with ASP 
applications in mind, I still hope someone can provide a good template.

Thanks again.

Tarek Nabil

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Smirnov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Application Design Document -- Struts Studio - Independent

> Port programming is beyond the intellect of Struts Studio staff.
What is your criteria of intellect? Is it ability to use anonymous account
and anonymous name for all your posts?
Your messages boil with anger. They do not look like "Independent Opinion"
you mentioned in the Subject. I never meet guy who were so angry running
freeware application on independent base :-)

P.S. your words about port programming and cheating were funny.

> It takes more than putting a swing GUI  on Free Ware to build an IDE.
 It sounds like a clue. Somebody really dislikes that Exadel Struts Studio
Community Edition is a freeware.

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