Yes, associatedSalespeople is set in an Action. The list displays properly,
that's not a problem.

The only issue is that the correct item isn't selected.

associatedSalespeople is a TreeMap with key/value pairs. The value of
'encodeAssociatedSalespersonID' matches one of the keys but it doesn't seem
that this property is evaluated at all since the debug output is never
printed to the log.


> From: Craig Margenau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 15:16:13 -0400
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Re: html:select Not 'Selecting' My Item
> Looks like you are doing the same thing I am just in a slightly different
> manner.  I prepopulate default values for my action form in my action class,
> including an ArrayList named statusList to hold dropdown values, rather than
> using a separate request attribute..that being the only difference that I can
> see.
> My statusList ArrayList hold an array of a simple "Status" class that defines
> an "id" and "value" attribute.  One of my action form attributes is "statusId"
> and is the value I prepopulate in my action calss and wish to be selected when
> my form is displayed.
> The object 'assocatedSalespeople" that your  html:option collection param is
> referring to is supposed to be a jsp scripting variable...I'm assuming you've
> set this elsewhere in your jsp's code?
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