> From: Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 14:06:06 -0700
> To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: html:select Not 'Selecting' My Item
> Hunter wrote:
>> The HTML generated for the <select> looks as follows:
>>  <select name="associatedSalesperson">
>> None of the options are selected. In this example the
>> getEncodeAssociatedSalespersonID() returns Bob-7.
>> I also tried it retunring 'Bob, Darin'. Still, the item is not selected.
> Those names don't match!  Change the name of the 'get' method to
> 'getAssociatedSalesperson' and see if things improve.

I thought I could use value to override what property was being used to
determine which item was selected. I cannot use associatedSalesperson as my
matching item. It won't match. We do some processing on the input before we
put it in our database... That's what I want to use the other method to
output a string that will match.
> In an earlier message, you wrote:
>> <html:select property="associatedSalesperson"
>>    name="sampleRequestCompleteForm"
>> value="encodeAssociatedSalespersonID">
> The 'property' in the <html:select> tag needs to match the get/set methods.
> You DO NOT need to use the 'value' attribute, Struts will automatically
> pre-select the right value based on what's in the Form bean.
> (I'm almost certain I answered this last week... Hopefully I haven't
> contradicted myself!)

I thought I could use value to override. I don't want the default behavior
here. Please see above.


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