One last word on accesskey in <html:select...>.

My application currently has a page that uses three <html:select...> tags
that have an "accesskey" attribute. These all work just fine. Then there are
four <html:text...> tags, then a <logic:iterate>. Inside the iterate loop
are six <html..hidden..> tags, then <html:select...>, <html:text...>,
<html:text...>, <html:select...>.

The first <html:select...> in the loop had an accesskey attribute. I changed
all four of the non-hidden tags in the loop to their <html-el..>
counterparts. That's when I started having problems with accesskey.

Currently, the first three selects are still there and still working just
fine. The <html-el:select...> in the loop no longer has its accesskey
attribute, I had to remove it. 

So I have three <html:select..> tags with accesskey, and two
<html-el:select...> tags without accesskey tags. I have no earthly idea why
this works. I've examined the struts-html.tld in my app, and it does not
have an accesskey attribute in the select tag. But the page works.

Tim Slattery

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