Slattery, Tim - BLS wrote:
The <html-el:select...> tag does not have an "accesskey" attribute. I tried
adding the attribute to the struts-html-el.tld file, and got this error

Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld'
prefix='html-el': The Tag class
'org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELSelectTag' has no setter method
corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'accesskey'

Tim Slattery

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You could use the <label> tag which accepts an accesskey and passes the focus onto another form field.


<label accesskey="M">My Field
  <html-el:select property="myfield">

or else use the for="" option with label:

<label for="field1" accesskey="M">MyField</label>
<html-el:select property="myfield" styleId="field1">

Apparently the for="" references matches the id, so we have to add a styleId to the select. Not sure if it would find the name="" field.

Jason Lea

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