Thats strange I'll have to check how i was getting them working.

I'll have a look over where i've got it working (I don't think there were any hacks in there but its possible).

Cheers Mark

On Monday, September 1, 2003, at 04:28 PM, Terry Brick wrote:

Thank you much for your response. Two things....

1)  Sorry, I left out a big piece of detail.  I'm
interested in doing this validation only on the server
side (no javascript).  Yet I still can't get it to
work.  Are you saying that I'm doing it correctly as
show here?

<field property="my_collection_property"

Your html:messages code was helpful in getting the
errors for the top level bean, but there are still no
errors for the nested beans... but that's because it's
not validating them.  I know this because validation
will pass if the top level bean has the correct
properties... regardless of what's in the nested
beans.  The nested beans just aren't being checked for

2)  About the book..... I completely agree.  Glad to
know it's not just me ;)

--- Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Programming jakarta struts is a nice introduction to
webapp development
in general and struts development too. The only
problem is as soon as
you want to do anything vaguely useful there's no
detail. Its not a
criticism of the book as such just that its scope is
different to these
sorts of problems.

There's and indexedListProperty attribute in
validator for the purpose
of which you speak, and it works although not for
the javascript

  The array of form elements aren't generated in the
javascript, but the
js itself does handle indexed properties.. for
example if you hard code
myobj[0].myproperty in validator it works. So the
only piece of the
validator puzzle thats missing is generating the js
array of indexed
form elements .. If i'm not making any sense, have a
before and after
look at the javascript.

I think fixing the validator to generate indexed
elements would be the
fastest way of dealing with this, or add this to
bugzilla. A hack could
be to just layer some most js onto the page.

If you using the html:errors stuff and cant get it
to spit them out,
you could try bean:messages and spit out the errors
like that, they are
there (the errors) they're just hiding.

    <html:messages id="error">
        <bean:write name="error"/>

rather than

<html:errors />

Cheers Mark

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