Well it seems to be a mystery still whether it does or
does not.  Sounds like Mark has done it but he's
checking to see if it was custom or using built in
functionality.  I guess it was just an assumption on
my part that it DID have it built in because it seems
pretty fundamental/basic to me... compared to some of
the much more advanced capabilities it has built in. 
Anyway, thanks for the code sample.  It looks like I
may end up using some of that.  I'll wait and see what
Mark digs up.
I think worst case scenario, I'll use some bean
instrospection upon submission to look for all
property values that are instances of ValidatorForm or
Collections... then recursively invoke the validator
on each one it finds, and add the errors collection to
each form bean (a property they all implement through
an interface).
I guess that wouldn't be bad... but I just thought it
was built in.

--- Richard Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terry,
> Thanks for asking the question - I've asked a
> similar question in the past.
> I did not realize that validator has some collection
> support, I may look
> further into that.

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