As mentioned, start with the WebServices tutorial (I *so* wish we had this four years ago). This will ground you on the Java spin on all the underlying technologies. (Most of which you may already know.) There is also a nice roundup at the beginning of the Struts User Guide <>.

If you looking for the simplest development roadmap, use Struts with the JSTL taglib, with your choice of OJB, Hibernate, or iBatis on the backend. OJB <> and Hibernate <> are roughly equivalent ways to automatically store objects in a SQL database. iBatis <> is a simpler approach that just tries to give a clean way to call SQL queries from your program, but you do have to BYOQ (bring your own queries).

For IDEs, be sure to evaluate IDEA by IntelliJ <> before making a final decision. It's not free, but some people (like me) think it's worth the price. Otherwise, as mentioned, Eclipse is a fine choice.

There are several books about Struts. Struts in Action is probably the least how-to-ish and the most how-why-ish. (It tries to teach you to fish.) But, Mastering Jakarta Strut is also highly regarded. Many people find them complementary.

If you're looking for a truly great Struts example, see the JPetstore3 <> application. The nice part here is you can compare it to the infamous .NET version. (JP3 is *not* the original Sun Petstore application, which was a meant as a "reference" application. This one is written the way real developers write real Struts applications (or at least should). Clinton's really done a fantastic job here!)

JPetstore3 uses iBatis on the backend, but does so through a Data Access Object framework that is a separate part of the iBatis package. This DAO framework should work just as well with OJB or Hibernate if you decide to switch later. You just have to change the classnames in a XML configuration file, and you're good to go.

Though, if the only reason you're dropping .NET is free tools, there are quite a few available for .NET now, many of which have been ported from Java. Here's a quick roundup:

Mavnet - Production/stable (final release 15/may/03).

NVelocity - Production/stable - release 0.4 10/jan/03.

NORM (iBATIS) - Alpha but active

OJB.NET - Alpha but active - release v0.1.04 02/Sep/03

NUnit - Production/Stable - release 2.1 02/sep/02

DotNetMock (Mock Objects) - Beta - release 0.4 12/apr/03

NMock (DynaMocks) - release 1.0 10/may/03

Log4Net - Production/Stable - release 1.1.1 13/apr/02, 1.2 B8 15/jul/03

NAnt - Beta - release 0.8.3 final 3/sep/03

Lucene.Net - Production/Stable - release 1.3rc1.001 31/aug/30

iTextSharp - Production/Stable -  release 0.04 21/aug/2003

These are just the ones that have Java/.NET corrolaries that I may be using myself sometime. If you poke around SourceForge, I'm sure you'll find many open-source .NET gizmos.

IMHO, it's open source that will ultimately be doing the assimilating. =:0)

HTH, Ted.

Duraid wrote:
Hi, Im an ASP.NET developer and i decided to using JSP. The problem is that there are many names jumping in my head: JSP..Jakarta, Tomcat, Struts, Velocity..Webshere.. J2EE..etc. I don't know where to start: should i learn JSP first, what technologies should i use? i mean with ASP.NET it's much easier, you get VS.NET and start working, not the case with JSP. Please help me to develop a road map for starting to develop web application using JSP, here is what im looking for:

1- Using open source tools where ever possible because the reason im switching from .NET is that it doesn't make sense to use expensive technology when you can do the same with free tools.

2- I'm an IDE guy so i prefer to have all the tools in one place than using switching between different ones bach and forth.

3- i like reading books more than reading howto's.

that's it!! Can you please tell me where to start and how to go?

Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  - <>,
  Struts in Action - <>,
  JSP Site Design  - <>.

"Get Ready, We're Moving Out!!" - <>

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