> Anyway, tried the
> ideas from this website using JBoss 3.2.1 and Struts 1.1?

There's nothing specific to Struts you need concern yourself with.

The only thing that's struts related is how you get your login
information. I've used one of 2 methods:

1. Used a login.jsp, with username and password. LoginAction and


2. No login form. Use Servlet Filter to see if there's a UserView in the
session. If not, redirect to a login screen (see #1 above).

Now, the details are more specific to JBoss than Struts, and is really
beyond the scope of this mailling list.

But.. Here's what I suggest:

LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("client-login", (CallbackHandler)handler);

Make sure you have "client-login" defined in your login-config.xml, and
its using the org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule.

Your application must define the authentication policy that contains
your DatabaseLoginModule.

Contact me offlist if you have any other questions. Or better yet,
visit the JBoss forums.

Bryce Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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