Kito D. Mann wrote: <SNIP>
The main difference between the component and taglib approach is that in the component world, all of this functionality would be implemented by a component/renderer pair. The component itself would be a JavaBean, so it'd have methods, properties, and events, and integrate with tools. You could even have a JavaBeans customizer that would allow you to find and connect to the data source with a wizard interface. You could also develop different renderers, so perhaps one would output HTML and another might work for a WML device.

It's submarine, but it can fly.... AND it's a lawn mower too. This way every member of the committee gets their feature. We'll think of a use for it later. A grid that displays on my browser; and on my cell phone! This would run great.... in PowerPoint.

Where the C# tutorial!

(of course, vendors do not have to use it later, unlike people that develop OS. Yeah, make it like Swing, lets duplicate that success. I use Eclipse, those silly OS people don't use Swing "standard", they must not be as smart.) I used to use Vendor designed frameworks, and ran away from them to Struts.

Kito D. Mann wrote:
> There's an example of a much less capable, but similar, component in JSF EA4.

> Kito D. Mann
> Author, JSF in Action

Vic:... "less capable", and more complex, now that takes a committee to advise me.

Craig wrote:
>some commenters fail to remember what "early access" means -- it's not done yet.
So we can't critisize it? But you can market it? Positive reviews are OK? I have heard wait till next version from Sun. There are a lot of promisses made, like ASF version of JSF, and ....

Craig wrote (in another thread on EJB):
Struts doesn't have a UI component model at all (the HTML tags do not count -- they are simply ways to render simple input fields -- which is why we have to work so hard at things like tree controls and grids), but shines in its overall framework characteristics.

Vic: "HTML tags are a simple way to render input tags" ... simple as in simple is bad?

(Also I use a nice open source tag for tree that emits .js

I agree with Matt on this issue.

Hopefully it's OK that I stay with and Struts, and JSTL/HTML for Multi Row Updates/Validation. Until Flash Grid takes over, executing on a client's browser, and not on the server.

(See, I did not even bring up vendor licensing or Sun's poor finance ;-))

Go Java!



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