
This looks like a great taglib -- I wish I had found it when I was working on some past projects :-). In the JSF world, this would be a component that you would use the same way -- with a simple taglib. I'm assuming that this type of functionality is what the highly anticipated JSF "grid" will provide in the next release of JSF (maybe Craig can extrapolate). There's an example of a much less capable, but similar, component in JSF EA4. The main difference between the component and taglib approach is that in the component world, all of this functionality would be implemented by a component/renderer pair. The component itself would be a JavaBean, so it'd have methods, properties, and events, and integrate with tools. You could even have a JavaBeans customizer that would allow you to find and connect to the data source with a wizard interface. You could also develop different renderers, so perhaps one would output HTML and another might work for a WML device. Renderers are separate from the component itself, so all of the basic properties, like the data source, wouldn't have to be changed for a new device -- only the renderer.

Anyway, we're probably getting a little too off-topic, so drop me a line personally if you want to chat more :-).

Kito D. Mann
Author, JSF in Action - JSF FAQ, news, and info

At 06:37 PM 10/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Here is an example of something I do a lot of w/Struts:

(that Matt contributed to)
You can click on examples link (uper right) to see nested, pagination, etc.

Using your skill and experience you listed, can you show something similar?


Kito D. Mann wrote:
At 11:20 AM 10/9/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I watched a presentation on JSF last night.  Here's my high-level

1. It's a replacement for Struts (no matter what folks say).

It may be in the long-term, but it won't be in version 1.0. I think the combination of the two is pretty powerful.

2. It's basically Swing for the Web.


3. It's more difficult than Struts.

I think it might be more difficult for people who haven't worked with desktop-oriented GUI frameworks like Swing, Delphi's VCL, or Visual Basic OCXs (and likewise .NET). Once you get used to a more component-oriented approach, it's a lot more efficient. Most of the people I know who develop complex desktop GUIs with tools like Delphi feel that the servlet development is a step backwards, even with great frameworks like Struts. I also think that JSF will be easier to swallow than Swing, but that's based on my limited Swing experience (I've done a lot more Delphi desktop development than Swing).
Anyway, that's my two cents, as someone who's familiar with JSF and has also worked with Struts, ASP.NET WebForms, and tools like Delphi.
This topic has been beat to death all over the place; you can find out more on my site, There's a FAQ there that addresses some Struts/Faces questions.
Kito D. Mann
Author, JSF in Action

Basically, I'm not impressed.  I think they're going to have do a lot to
make it easier to learn and easier to develop with.  It seems that a lot of
"Experts" are touting that it'll be easy to develop because it's a
*standard* and IDEs will support it.  I'll believe it when I see it
considering I still use HTML editors to edit JSPs and JSTL (because Homesite
is still the best JSP editor IMO).


These are just my opinions - so take them with a grain of salt.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 6:58 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JavaServer Faces

It's not an either/or decision.

Though, Struts is superior in the sense you can use it in a shipping
application. JSF is still in early release.

HTH, Ted.

Horky Adam G A1C 805 CSPTS/SCBE wrote:
> Does anyone know enough about Struts and JavaServer Faces to provide an
> opinion about the superiority of one over the other?
> A1C Adam G Horky
> Application Development Programmer, SCBE
> (618)256-2300

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