hello rick,
i am also using the beta version, undoubtly it works great(wonderful work matt!!!) but even now the problem with the export is that in case its someone under one of the tiles. there is no way to set the content-type once the page has been loaded and hence the xml/cvs/excel export in stuffed someone in the html code for the rest of the page.
i had one workaround for this, using a jsp with only the same display tag. and since its an export the page isnt (visibly) loaded and i get the save as dialog box.
in case u had a similar problem, and u came up with a better solution do let me know

David Friedman wrote:


I started using the 1.0 beta 2 this weekend and it's full of impressive
changes including fixed exports so it works with page breaks (previously, it
only exported what was on the screen). About your copying of objects, the
docs say that copying will happen if you let the tags sort the objects
instead of using in the natural order it was saved into scope (request,
session, application). However, it shouldn't be that bad since it is lists
and iterators and will should only be address references for the copy into a
new list/Iterator it sorts with, I think.  To be sure, ask on their user


Regards, David

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Paging

Christian Bollmeyer wrote:

http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/ (my favorite, new 1.0 beta out)

The last time I used this tag was a long time ago (over 5 months). What
I didn't like about it, at the time, was that it stored your entire
collection in session scope. This is ok for small to moderate sized
collections of light objects, but if you want paging where you end up
with a new query to bring back your objects then you'll have to
implement something else.


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