> <initiate type="flame-war">
> Of course, as everyone knows, *REAL* programmers use vi (which is way better
> than emacs)... ;->
> </initiate>

Sorry, but I had to respond to this. :)

Emacs has an excellent Java development environment called JDE:
(http://jdee.sunsite.dk).  It also has context-sensitive completion,
templates, IRC clients, nntp/mail clients, a shell (eshell), excellent
integration with CVS, Subversion, ClearCase, Perforce, etc...  Oh, I
forgot to mention the web browsers, games, calendars, and integrated
wiki.  This may sound shocking, but it also has a text editor. :)

Before you complain about the operating footprint of EMACS, compare it
with Eclipse or NetBeans.  Certainly, vi has a smaller footprint than
EMACS, but how big does a wrapper around cat and ed need to be? :)
>From EMACS faith.el...

24:34 EMACS is the light of the elispland and the editland.  Its light
may be compared to a niche that enshrines a lamp, the lamp within a
crystal of star-like brilliance.  It is lit from a blessed olive tree
neither eastern nor western.  Its very oil would almost shine forth,
though no fire touched it.  Light upon light; EMACS guides to Its
light whom It will.
20:114 Do not be quick to recite the Emacs-Manual before its
revelation is completed, but rather say: "EMACS, increase my

Just trying to bring light to the heathens.  I'm done now. :)

Nick Heudecker
SystemMobile, Inc.
Web: http://www.systemmobile.com

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