> > DynaActionForm taxRatesForm = new DynaActionForm();
> > and
> > taxRatesForm.set("taxRates", allTaxRates); 
> > request.setAttribute("taxRates",
> > allTaxRates);
> Creating a form in the action servlet is one sure way to piss the folks 
> off who have to maintain the app. You might think its big n clever, but 
> you'd be hiding the form away in a class, what do the htmlists do?

Well this does not work for me anyway. When I change the code to
do what Richard suggests, I get null pointer exceptions.

So is what you are saying Mark is that the way I am doing this (have
the form name specified on the preloader action, and do
DynaActionForm taxRateForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
in the preloader action class) is correct?

> <form-property name="taxRate" type="java.util.ArrayList" />
> Using arraylist means you dont have to use the lazy list initialization 
> that i think that using an array will require. See bean utils for 
> details. I could be full of shit but I have this working with arrayList 
> and no joy with using arrays of beans.

It is working fine for me with an array of beans. I'm not entirely sure
what you mean by lazy list initalization, or how it could be a problem
here. (I couldn't find a reference in the BeanUtils api, and googling
for it didn't return much other than standard java lazy instantiation
which from my Java knowledge isn't a problem...)

> > I think you have the choice of putting the form in either session or 
> > request
> > scope. Request scope is generally preferable b/c the memory gets 
> > released
> > sooner.
> Yeah right .. Nullpointerexception tastic. Last I looked scoping to 
> request wont work , so don't bother.

My form is in the request scope and working fine. I agree with Richard
in preferring request scope, but if there is a valid reason for it to be
in session instead I'd move it there.

Matt Bathje

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