> I found out that using new DynaActionForm()inside of the
> PreLoaderAction.execute() doesn't work. It gives a null pointer exception
> when you try and call the set() method.
> You need to do this instead:
>     FormBeanConfig cfg = mapping.getModuleConfig()
>            .findFormBeanConfig("dynaIndexTestForm");
>     DynaActionForm myForm;

Richard - this was the last piece of the puzzle for me, now it works without
having to supply the name="form" on the preloader action...sweet.

Mark - I have had it working both ways now, in session and request. If you
want to do it in request you have to have 2 request objects in your preload.
The first is the form itself, and the second is the property for the form
is what you actually loop through in your jsp)

I will probably use the request scope myself just because I try to stay out
of session as much as possible.

Matt Bathje

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