I apologize in advance if this comes through twice.  Our email server was having 
issues this morning, so I'm resending it in case it didn't make it out the first time. 
I am attempting to do something similar to what has been posted here in the current 
Struts application that I'm working on. I'm using a DynaValidatorForm in request 
scope, iterating through a dynamically generated ArrayList that I've put into the 
DynaValidatorForm, and then attempting to pass it through request scope using indexed 
properties. The page displays perfectly, but when I try to submit it, I get the 
following error:
[Servlet Error]-[BeanUtils.populate]: java.lang.NullPointerException: No indexed value 
for 'inventoryList[0]'
at org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.get(DynaActionForm.java:293)
Here are some snippets of code:
>From the ActionClass that populates the .JSP:
ArrayList itemRanges = itemCDTO.getItemRanges(); //returns an ArrayList of ItemRange 
form.set("inventoryList", itemRanges);
>From struts-config.xml: 
<form-bean name="inventoryModifyForm" 
<form-property name="page" type="java.lang.Integer" />
<form-property name="submit" type="java.lang.String" /> 
<form-property name="rangeStart" type="java.lang.String" />
<form-property name="rangeEnd" type="java.lang.String" /> 
<form-property name="inventoryList" type="java.util.ArrayList" /> 
<form-property name="description" type="java.lang.String" /> 
<action path="/inventoryModify" 
<forward name="cancelled" path="inventory.cancelled" /> 
<forward name="page2" path="inventory.modify2" />
>From the JSP: 
<logic:iterate id="inventoryList" name="inventoryModifyForm" property="inventoryList" 
<html:text indexed="true" name="inventoryList" property="startNumber" /> 
<html:text indexed="true" name="inventoryList" property="endNumber" /> 
An interesting thing I noticed when I change the code in the JSP like this: 
<logic:iterate id="iList" name="inventoryModifyForm" property="inventoryList" > 
<html:text indexed="true" name="iList" property="startNumber" /> 
<html:text indexed="true" name="iList" property="endNumber" /> 
....then I don't get the error. But of course, when I do an (ArrayList) 
form.get("inventoryList"), it returns an empty List to the Action class. I can, 
however, bypass the DynaValidatorForm and directly query the HttpServletRequest object 
and pull the individual components by doing a 
request.getParameter("iList[0].startNumber"), which is extremely clunky. I'm sure I 
must be missing something stupid. If anyone can shed some light, it would be greatly 
Thanks so much! 
-----Original Message-----
From: Yee, Richard K,,DMDCWEST [<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 4:23 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

You actually only need the form in the request. You don't need the property
of the form at all in your JSP.

In my JSP I use

<html:form action="/indexTestSubmitAction">
<logic:iterate id="testBean" name="dynaIndexTestForm" property="tests"
indexId="ctr" >
<html:text name="testBean" property="id" /><br>
<html:text name="testBean" property="amount" /><br>
<html:text name="testBean" property="name"/>
<html:submit value="Update"/>

In struts-config.xml I have this

<form-bean name="dynaIndexTestForm"
<form-property name="tests"


<action path="/indexTestSubmitAction"
name="dynaIndexTestForm" scope="request" input="/loginSucceeded.jsp">
<forward name="success" path="/succeeded.jsp" redirect="false"/>


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Bathje [<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 2:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: dynamically sized form (mostly solved)

> I found out that using new DynaActionForm()inside of the
> PreLoaderAction.execute() doesn't work. It gives a null pointer
> exception when you try and call the set() method.
> You need to do this instead:
> FormBeanConfig cfg = mapping.getModuleConfig()
> .findFormBeanConfig("dynaIndexTestForm");
> DynaActionForm myForm;

Richard - this was the last piece of the puzzle for me, now it works without
having to supply the name="form" on the preloader action...sweet.

Mark - I have had it working both ways now, in session and request. If you
want to do it in request you have to have 2 request objects in your preload.
The first is the form itself, and the second is the property for the form
(which is what you actually loop through in your jsp)

I will probably use the request scope myself just because I try to stay out
of session as much as possible.

Matt Bathje

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