I agree with Richard and Wendy, you probably don't need to actually
instantiate the form, get your bean from somewhere (the ether?) and do a
BeanUtils.copyProperties(dest,source).  This will allow a nice decoupling of
your business code from your web application code.... Alternatively, I would
recommend writing a function to push the data into your form and simply pass
the form as a parameter to it.  

i.e. in your action.execute you could do it like so:

execute (... ActionForm form) {
Person person = (Person)Session.getAttribute("person");
MyDataPopulator.populateFooData(form, person);


Person person = (Person)Session.getAttribute("person");
Object myBean = MyDataGetter.getMyData(person);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(form, myBean)

I personally prefer method 2 at this point, but I can see the value of
method 1 (less moving data around).

I actually wrote an app doing all the data access in the forms and, to be
honest, I kinda like it that way too.  The only caveat is that your app and
all your data/business code becomes "Struts-only".  If you can live with
that, then perhaps the road you are pursuing is ok.  

worse is better 

-----Original Message-----
From: Yee, Richard K,,DMDCWEST [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 4:58 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: URGENT: getting a Session Attribute from ActionForm

I agree with Wendy. Prepopulate the form by instantiating it in the action
that forwards to the page that displays the page. Perhaps you can create a
constructor in the ActionForm that takes a userinfo object and invoke this
from your Action.execute method.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: URGENT: getting a Session Attribute from ActionForm

My aim is to get a session Attribute called as "userinfo" in the ActionForm.
In the ActionForm i have  methods called getAddress,getAddress1,getAddress2.
These are all addresses of this person. So what i want to do is, if all the
info is already present in the db, i want to pre-populate it.If not the user
should beable to fill out the form.

In my getAddress() method i want to do something like this

public Address getAddress(){
  Userinfo userinfo = session.getAttribute("userinfo");
  Person p = userinfo.getPerson();
  Address addr = p.getAddress("Appl Home Address");
    return addr
   return new Address()

public Address getAddress1(){
  Userinfo userinfo = session.getAttribute("userinfo");
  Person p = userinfo.getPerson();
  Address addr = p.getAddress("Work Address");
    return addr
   return new Address()


This is the reason why i need to access the session Attribute

--Thank you
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] When the
>> user logons to the system, it takes him to a form. Based on the logon 
>> values, if the user already has filled the form, form should be 
>> populated with values the user can then modify existing
>> values save, if not the user can fill in the fresh form and save it.
>> For this i need to get this user logon info in my ActionForm so that 
>> i can write the getters and setters in the ActionForm accordingly
> Have you closely examined the struts-example webapp?  It does exactly
> what you're talking about.  Search the archives for 'pre-populate 
> form' and variations, it's a common topic.
> Once your user is logged in, I'm guessing you are putting something in
> session scope.  In your Action, you can call
> session.getAttribute("userName") and use that to retrieve the values 
> from wherever they are stored.  Then pre-populate the ActionForm and 
> forward to the 'edit' page.
> I would not put user info in a hidden field on the form.  It would
> make it easier for someone to impersonate another user.  (Depends on 
> how sensitive your data is whether that's an issue.)
> --
> Wendy Smoak
> Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
> ASU IA Information Resources Management
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