Mine's an opinion from someone who's pretty good on the presentation and servlets stuff, and a lot greener in terms of model tier development.

I've used torque and more recently hibernate on two separate projects.. Torque seems a bit dirtier, and a pain for deprecated dependencies, but does the job and runs fast enough.

Hibernate gives you greater control and the xdoclet support is a big bonus. But it took a couple of days on ranting to work out what the error messages where telling me n stuff.

I'd love to give ibatis a crack, but to be frank, i either haven't approached the documentation in the right frame of mind or I just don't get them. Not sure if there's xdoclet support either.

On 16 Dec 2003, at 17:58, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

I have not use OJB, so ... how much is it worth my opinion if I did not use it. Maybe people that used it can say a word relative to other DAO's.

I did look at OJB, and it seamed heavy. I like light weigh. (like Sturts is light weight). iBatis I realy like.

my 2c.


Pedro Salgado wrote:
What do you think about OJB?
Pedro Salgado
On 16/12/2003 16:58, "Vic Cekvenich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would use Ibatis or Hibrenate as a DAO, not both.

iBatis lets you use any SQL(corelated self join, sooner or later you
will need to do a trick or tune performance), which is why I have been
using it with much success; and I teach Struts with it, and there are
other Struts/iBatis resources. It is ER based.

Hibrenate used to be more popular before iBatis and it is more OR (which
I make a minus since I work with "rows of columns", for example with

Either will server you very well, they are both great.

(bad things IMO are JDO, EJB, JDBC)


David Erickson wrote:

We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from that,
has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate underneath

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