We've only got the 1st phase done, and there's still much to be done but


This is a B2C site, but just displays the products and allows simple ordering at the moment. Next phase is the full ecommerce stuff. As it happens its done with struts. We've carved this out with team of two in a couple of weeks, with only one of us with any real java/jsp experience (thats me). Hibernate is being used to create the object model.

I'd say that this would have taken a lot longer without using struts-hibernate and xdoclet. And after all time and resources is what CIO will be mostly worried about. One thing i would say is that dynaforms will cost you more time than they appear to save at first, but others might disagree with me.

At my old company who are part of the WPP collective like accenture, used EJB's for the OM which i remember took ages and make refactoring very difficult. Hibernate probably has saved more time than struts in the sense that I've added and changed the model a few times as new information has come to us.

That said some of the time cutting benefits have been due to struts, validator, tiles being two major factors. But also more importantly has been the fact that struts gives me a framework in which to work where even in sleep depraved states I've been able to stick to a pattern.

Hope this helps, I do think that you CIO is just challenging your ideas to make sure you cover all bases, which i guess is what s/he is supposed to.

Hope this helps.


On 19 Dec 2003, at 07:03, James Mitchell wrote:

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's funny. I'm on a contract right now with Accenture and we are using
it as part of GRNDS.


Our CIO is currently fighting the use of Struts by saying that it is not
widely used in B2C sites. Does anyone know of any sites, preferably
commerce sites that are using Struts? This would be extremely helpful.

The issue is that the CIO is looking for sites that may be similar to
ours that are using Struts already.

Thanks very much,




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