
| I believe that various IDEs are beginning to allow this.
| I saw a demonstration of a Sun's Forte at a Java User Group,
| a while ago, and they were dropping and dragging JATO taglibs.
| WebLogic Workshop can apparently allow this using Struts.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g is one of these as well. 

It gives Struts developers integrated visual J2EE application building and databinding 
support, among many other cool things.

This include visual Struts page flow modeling, and other Struts-specific support.

You can take a product tour even before downloading a trial version at (various 
viewlets available to watch):

JDeveloper is a fully-featured Java IDE with a small pricetag (free to try it, $995 to 
own a dev license, no runtime fees for using
any of our J2EE productivity frameworks).

It has a slew of Java coding productivity features, the top ten of which Brian Duff 
points out on his weblog quite effectively:

We demoed our JSF support (visual editing and databinding) on stage at June 2003 
JavaOne, and will demo something that will blow JSF
users away for this year's JavaOne conference which is based on what we've done since 
that first sneak peek.

JDeveloper has a pluggable extension architecture built on the JSR 198 model for IDE 
extensions that is on its way to becoming a
Java platform standard. It ships with hundreds of pre-built and pre-tested extensions 
in the box, which you can configure to use as
your needs dictate. You can download more extensions from the Oracle Technet website 
or build your own using standard Swing and the
JDeveloper extension SDK.

For an idea of how to build a complete application using a maximal set of J2EE 
application-building productivity features, you might
check out our Struts/BC4J Toy Store Demo and whitepaper at:

An overview of our JSR 227-based databinding support is at:

Steve Muench - Technical Evangelist, Product Mgr, Developer, Author - Oracle

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Faiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 17:55
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: .NET: We are just like Struts... only better.

but still, I'm not dragging and 

dropping html form controls (or struts-html.tld taglib controls) to a 

designer screen, linking code and compiling.


I believe that various IDEs are beginning to allow this. I saw a demonstration of a 
Sun's Forte at a Java User Group, a while ago,
and they were dropping and dragging JATO taglibs. WebLogic Workshop can apparently 
allow this using Struts.


I don't know if any of this qualifies as decent programming, however. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 29 December 2003 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: .NET: We are just like Struts... only better.


It's kind of a catch .22, I use struts on projects that make money for me.  

If someone started taking my projects and replicating them for free, I would

probably have a problem with it :)  Although in this case, MS did not have a

Struts to begin with. is sweet, but only because the development 

environent makes it sweet.  If we can get the same RAD functionality out of 

Eclipse w/ JSF and perhaps Flex, then we'll really be cooking.


Although Struts is a wonderful thing, I still look at web development with 

J2EE as a bit of a tedious thing.  Well, actually now that I have a pretty 

robust taglib built, not so tedious, but still, I'm not dragging and 

dropping html form controls (or struts-html.tld taglib controls) to a 

designer screen, linking code and compiling.  I have to do it all by hand :(

  Let's hope Eclipse VE adopts a JSF designer!


Craig W. Tataryn


>From: "Frans Thamura, Intercitra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: .NET: We are just like Struts... only better.

>Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 23:57:08 -0500


>I think this article will explain that Microsoft is not support Open 

>community, M$ only support people that want to support money, :)


>Our War Money Chest is bigger than all of you all the Java guys 

>the Open Source).


>[EMAIL PROTECTED] how can M$ have that money?


>So, this mean we all must wake up, :) to make our product more user

>friendly, and make everyone can learn it, update it, and make it perfect.


> is a product based, Struts is a spiritual lovely project. They

>cannot compare it.


>But if can be compare with MVC not with Struts. :) sad to hear 

>if we port Struts to .NET, Microsoft wont support it, because they 
>said, we

>include it in already.


>What do you think?





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