Last time (which was some time ago), we asked contestants to identify the title and 
author of a seminal paper regarding artificial intelligence published by the journal 
MIND in 1950. Our bonus question regarding a tangentially related story by Harlan 
Ellison (gotta love Harlan).

As many already know, here are the correct answers

The paper was entitled "" and written by "". The Ellison story featured an AI computer 
named "AM" by the title "I have no mouth and I must scream".

Sadly, one contestant let the cat of the bag and posed the answers to the user list. 
But no worries, we'll just make it a drawing instead. So, that week's winner, selected 
from all the responses, is:


as our winning contestant. (Michael, please send your surface mail address to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], and indicate whether you would like JUnit in Action or Struts in Action)



A popular science fiction series featured a psy cop named after a science fiction 

1 Name the series

2 Name the character

3 Name the actor who played the character

4 Name the character this actor played in another famous science fiction series

*OR*, answer this bonus question instead:

* List the 12 core practices of Extreme Programming.

Contestants sending -- directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- correct answers to the 
to the bonus question *OR* the SF question to me will be eligible for the next 
drawing. (the correct answers being the ones I expect). Prior winners excluded (but 
feel free to play anyway).

The contest will run until Thursday, January 8, 2004, 23:59:59, so everyone has a 
chance to participate.

The lucky winner selected from the correct responses will receive their choice of 
either a signed copy of Struts in Action *OR* JUnit in Action.

(Signed only by me, I'm afraid, my co-authors are scattered across the globe -- gotta 
love the Internet!)

    PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have an interesting science fiction or computer science question that is hard, 
or at least fun, to google, please send it to me. The first to suggest a question that 
we use also wins!


    PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ted Husted,
   Junit in Action  - <>,
   Struts in Action - <>,
   JSP Site Design  - <>.

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