Last time, we asked contestants to recite the "jingle" from The Demolished Man by 
Alfred Bester and the "Fear" litany from Dune -OR-  name  two favorite changes, 
improvements, or new additions to theStruts Nightly Build since 1.1 was released (now 
known as Struts 1.2.0 <yeah! />).

The sought answers were:

Demolished Man:

"Tenser, said the Tensor. Tenser, said the Tensor. Tension, apprehension, and 
dissension have begun."  


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total 
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. 
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear 
has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

As to favorite changes, we had votes for

* Maven project files (still under development!)

* Tiles EL Tag Library

* Session-Scoped ActionMessages

* Struts-Chain (still unreleased)

Of coursem, we had several correct responses. The lucky winner, selected arbitrarily, 


(Randy, please send your surface mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
indicate whether you would like JUnit in Action or Struts in Action)



To play, correctly answer  -- *DIRECTLY* to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- one or both of 
these questions.

(1) One of the original creators of JUnit now works on a popular open source IDE (with 
some excellent Struts addins!). Name this computer scientist.


(2) A SF author, best know for his "edgy" short stories, wrote one of the first Star 
Treck episodes dealing with time travel. Later, he served as the creative consultant 
for another popular TV series, in which time travel plays a pivotal role. Name this SF 
author and his single Star Trek episode.

<Send your answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Contestants sending -- *DIRECTLY* to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- correct answers to the 
to the Computer question *OR* the SF question to me will be eligible for the next 
drawing. (the correct answers being the ones I expect). Prior winners excluded (but 
feel free to play anyway).

The contest will run until Thursday, March 11, 2004, 23:59:59, so everyone  has a 
chance to participate.

The lucky winner selected from the correct responses will receive theirchoice of 
either a signed copy of Struts in Action *OR* JUnit in Action.

(Signed only by me, I'm afraid, my co-authors are scattered across the globe -- gotta 
love the Internet!)

    PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have an interesting science fiction or computer science question that is hard, 
or at least fun, to google, please send it to me. The first to suggest a question that 
we use also wins!


    PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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