
Can somebody tell me the "best practice" for solving the following problem?

A setup action retrieves some data which is needed to render select elements
from the database. This action puts the retrieved collections into the request
and forwards to the jsp form.
On submit, a preview action is called. this action retrieves the data from the
form and puts it into a value object. some more data is retrieved from the
database to complete the data in the value object. the forward sends the user to
the preview jsp where all the collected information is presented for review.
there are two submit buttons on the page: one to create the new data record and
one to make changes to it. the called action checks which button has been
pressed. If it's the create button the data is saved, if it's the edit button the user is sent back to the input form.

What is the best way to use an ActionForm across multiple pages? is it a good idea to store the form in session scope (that's what I'm doing now) ? Can I manually call reset on a DynaValidatorForm?
The second question: if the edit button is pressed i have to reload the collections needed to display the form again. Is there no better alternative. I 've been thinking about putting collections that are needed in several places into session scope.

I would be really interested in how the pros solve this problem (I'm just a student working on my thesis project). Any comments, suggestions and tips are welcome.

Thank you,

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