I'm attending the Fachhochschule beider Basel in Switzerland (it's called University of Applied Sciences). The thesis is to get my diploma in Computer Science.

The topic is about the following:
I have to develop a support portal prototype for a company. so far they are doing all their support via phone and they want to expand the support to another channel. They already have a web presence and a support page but it's all static HTML and for every change they have to call the company that designed their page. With this new portal the support staff will have the ability to create new support documents via a web interface.

So far all the content of their support site is only available to support personnel of their distributors but they want to change that so they can decide about the access level on document to document basis.

I decided to use Struts because we had a brief introduction to it one class and I really liked it. The company left the choice about which technologies I want to use to me (which is pretty cool ).

There's nothing available online at the moment but if you're interested in can send you a link when it is. My thesis paper will be in German though The support site on the other hand will be in English.


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