Hi all,
        I have a  question about using BeanUtils in Struts.
For saving me from writing lot of code, I am using DynaActionForms in my
In the backend, I have some DTOs, so I decided in order to make
My app more 'extensible' without rewriting too much code, to use
BeanUtils to populate my DTOs with values from DynaActionForm, and to
Use the same mechanism to populate DynaActionForm from DTO.

Now, pls correct me if I am wrong, but BeanUtils uses reflection in
Order to populate properties..

I have read from some books ('Effective Java') that using reflection
Is much slower than invoking methods normally..
In my app, I will gain flexibility (I don't need to write methods for
Populating dtos from form and vice versa), but am I going to lose much
In tems of performance?

Anyone can give his comments?  I think BeanUtils is of great help,and it
would be a pity to give up the benefits that I get from it...

Best regards

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