
I'm using *.do mapping in my web.xml so I must use input="/newUser" ?
This does not work!

Ben Anderson wrote:
You want to put validate="true" for the action you are submitting to. That's also where you specify the input. The input is an application relative path beginning with a "/", so if you're using /do/* mapping in your web.xml you'd want something like this

<action name="newUserFrom"

however, I think it's generally best to just forward back to the jsp:

I could not user input="/newuser/newUser.jsp because there is no file like newUser.jsp .
I have the files index.jsp, address.jsp, services.jsp, status.jsp where I distribute the objects (name, fist name, street, city etc) from my NewUserFrom.
When I mistype anything i.E. in index.jsp it should redisplay the index.jsp with the errormsg otherwise it should display the next page (address.jsp) and so on. Like in my NewUserAktion snippt down. (Also shown in the struts-validation example of the struts-distribution but without JavaScript!!)
If you would see the full NewUserAction mail me and i would send it to you via pm.


Robert Lehner

From: Robert Lehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Validation Multiple Pages forward-Failure
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:19:18 +0100


I saw this in the dtd, but I don't knowe what I should enter as value of input. I tried newUser, newUser.do, newUserFrom nothing worked es expected.

I would to get back the form where the validation find the failure, so the User could corret his failure an procced the applikation.
BTW: I used the struts-validation exmaple as pattern.
I changed in the pattern struts-config.xml at the action multiRegistration the validation to true and the applikation dosen't work any more. Why?


Robert Lehner

Ben Anderson wrote:

struts validation uses the input attribute of the action tag to send you back to where you came from if validation fails. Here's the excerpt from the dtd:

input Module-relative path of the action or other resource to
which control should be returned if a validation error is
encountered. Valid only when "name" is specified. Required
if "name" is specified and the input bean returns
validation errors. Optional if "name" is specified and the
input bean does not return validation errors

you must specify this attribute if you want to use struts validation.

From: Robert Lehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Validation Multiple Pages forward-Failure
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 14:01:16 +0100


I have a MultiPageFrom with 7 seperate JSP-Pages.
I want to validate all these pages.

When I run the application and whould test if the validation works well, I get the following error when I hit Submit.
type Status report

message No input attribute for mapping path /newUser

description The server encountered an internal error (No input attribute for mapping path /newUser) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

When validate is false, it works correctly, without validation.
No validation is not a solution.

Some more information:
NewUserAktion snippet:
ActionErrors errors = newUserFrom.validate(mapping, request);

if (errors != null && errros.isEmpty()){
 if (newUserFrom.getPage() == 1)
  return mapping.findForward("user2");
 if (newUserFrom.getPage() == 7)
  return mapping.findForward("success");
} else {
 saveErrors(request, errors);
 if (newUserFrom.getPage() == 1)
  return mapping.findForward("user"+newUserFrom.getPage());
 if (newUserFrom.getPage() == 2)
  return mapping.findForward("user"+newUserForm.getPage());

struts-config snippet:


newuser/index.jsp snippet:
 <html:messages id="error"
  <bean:write name="error"/>
<html:form action="newUser">
<html:hidden property="action"/>
<html:hidden property="page" value="1"/>

I don's see any problem, wheres my failure?


Robert Lehner

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