ActionForm has this attribute :
    protected transient ActionServlet servlet

All ActionForms share the same ActionServlet instance. As this attribute is transient, 
it will not be serialized if form
is put in session (and session itself is serialized).

So I think the "session size" is not well computed by JPRobe profiler, as every 
referenced objet are included in size
computation, even if they're shared between objects or declared transient.

A better way sould be to run the app without any session created, get JVM memory usage 
(mem1), then open N user
sessions, and get JVM memory usage (mem2). (mem2 - mem1) / N is *real* session size.


Why not change those forms to request scope instead?Where ever feasible I mean.If any 
data is not shared across pages in
a wizard like flow, just put that form in request.This should be applicable to 90% of 
the cases.

But It may not be as simple as that.You may have to retest entire application because 
of that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Ramon Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 1:48 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Problem with huge session memory and ActionForm

Hi all,

We have detected a problem with the amount of memory we use in the session
when we use classes extending org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm and
DynaActionForm too.
We are using 9iAS 9.0.3.
We take a look to the memory using JPRobe profiler, and we see that the
forms stored in session (we define the scope to session in struts-config.xml
for an action) are using more than 20Mb(!!)
Those actionForms have a reference to ActionServlet in servlet attribute.

Of course, this is a lot of memory to have several hundreds of users. I
imagine this is not a Struts bug, and please help us to detect what´s
happening or which is the error in our code.

Thanks a lot.

Jose R.
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