First - how can I have multiple forms on the same page all use javascript
validation? The javascript that struts prints out for each form conflicts
with each other, and causes only the "last" form's validations to work.
Originally asked here:

I'm assuming that you've at least specified distinct values for the "method" attribute for each use of <html:javascript>?
(Actually, looking at the doc I see that the process when this isn't specified should result in unique validate method names.) I've never actually tried to validate multiple forms in a single page. You may have simply discovered a limitation in the design of the validator stuff. If so, feel free to submit an enhancement request in Bugzilla, and feel just as free (or more so) to attach patches to help solve the problem!

And as long as I am doing this, there are 2 other questions with no answers

regarding "entity includes in tiles-defs.xml (again)" -- both struts-config and tiles-definitions files can be specified using a comma-separated list of files (in web.xml for struts-config, and in the plugin descriptor in struts-config for tiles) -- isn't that a simpler way to solve the same problem of breaking down big config files?

Sorry, no answers for the other two questions...


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