> regarding "entity includes in tiles-defs.xml (again)" -- both
> struts-config and tiles-definitions files can be specified using a
> comma-separated list of files (in web.xml for struts-config, and in
> the plugin descriptor in struts-config for tiles) -- isn't that a
> simpler way to solve the same problem of breaking down big config
> files?

The problem with that is, we have some forms (probably 5-6 of them) that
have duplicated properties/validations. It would be nice to be able to do an
entity include to include those duplicated validations in each form they are
required in validation.xml.

If I get some free time I am going to look into this, but as I mentioned in:

I really think there is some sort of bug in either the plugin interface or
the tiles and validator plugins specifically that make the "root" for the
xml documents change to be %SystemRoot% or something like that.

Matt Bathje

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