I'm sorry, I'll try to explain better.

> >If I used your solution in case of a validation error my list box
> >would not be filled.
> When you have a validation error it returns to the page where you 
> filled the
> list box and these values are the same that the user introduced.

The listbox and the data the user entered are 2 different things.
The listbox is a list of values the user can only choose, not change.
The data the user modified is on a form that is filled with values
from the db by the "prepare" action.

Here is a pseudo-code:

prepareaction.execute(Form form) {

I'd like something like:

prepareaction.execute(Form form) {

        mylistbox.fillfromDB(); // as before
        if (!comingFromAValidationError())
                // leave form as is, with data entered by the user

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