I'm working on an application that prompts a user to enter data into 4 text
fields.  The user then clicks on a button to submit these to an Action.
These 4 values are used to create an object that is added to an ArrayList.
The page used for data entry is refreshed with the just entered values
appearing as a row in a table.  The user may do this as many times as they

My problem is that the ArrayList is recreated every time the Action is
called.  I understand that this a characteristic of the transient nature of
Actions.  Can anyone make any recommendations on possible ways to preserve
this ArrayList between calls to the Action.  I'm betting that this could be
resolved by stashing the ArrayList into the request as an attribute or
something similar, but would like some commentary on this issue.  BTW, the
project this application is for mandates only request scope be used.

Brian Ivey

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