In addition to my previous nonsense, let me spout the following too:

At 02:44 PM 3/4/2004, you wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working on a web app where I have my JSPs hidden beneath WEB-INF.
In doing so, I of course have actions which RequestDispatch those pages
to the user.  In doing this I am running into a problem where beans in
those returned JSPs

There are no beans in returned JSPs. In fact, there are no returned JSPs. I assume you mean to talk about the response object. That includes only HTML in your case, I am betting.

are not getting updated when they are returned from
other actions.

Beans also are not returned from actions either, unless you are streaming objects, classes, etc., which is highly unlikely.

For example, on my login screen lets say I have a bean
"junkbean" that hold some data, which is loaded in LoginAction.

Loading a class in an action does not persist the class.

bean has data in it when I call / directly.

The client requests / What it means to say that "bean has data in it" when a client requests "/" is unclear to me.

When I complete a
form on that screen and submit it to /, I would like to return
the user to the / screen.

You can return the user to any "screen" you like. That is merely to say that you can choose the response object's content.

But when I do that, "junkbean" is
nowhere to be found,

I don't know what this means. Either "junk bean" is saved or not. If not, and you want it, save it, although I would not.

as if the action behind / is not doing
anything.  But, if I call / directly, then "junkbean" is there
with all it's data.

How can I get my action behind / (or any similar action that
gets data, then RequestDispatches a JSP back to the user) to execute so
that I can have my updated beans present?

Have your action persist whatever data you want persisted in whatever fashion you want it persisted, e.g. save to session or application or, better still, use a database.

If this is not the ideal way
to do it, what would be a better design for doing this sort of thing?

If you want to persist data, that is what you must do.

Essentially I want to hide all my JSPs behind WEB-INF, but I would
still like to have them updated after I submit forms and return action
paths, which load those JSPs.

I am trying to see what you want. You want there to be default or chosen values for the form fields when you return to the html? Remember that JSPs are just GUI easy Servlets. The JSPs are not real: they are PHANTOMs!

Thanks so much for your help, and I look forward to receiving your

Hope this helped. If you just said what you wanted to do without the technical jargon, it would probably be easier to see what you are doing.


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