I've had this idea for months now and actually had some entries already
written (with full web apps to illustrate) and I've also started collecting
cookbook entries from responses to this mailing list.  I was in the process
of writing the app to hold them late last year but got sidetracked.  

So yes, I'm interested and would certainly participate.  What did you have in
mind?  Where do you plan to host this?  What would the interface be?  Would
it contain just code samples or would there be some way to also attach actual


--- Andy Engle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a huge fan of O'Reilly's "cookbooks", which seem to contain a good
> deal of useful material for doing all sorts of different things.  Today
> I thought about the idea of making a Struts cookbook, although two
> things would be different from how O'Reilly does it:
> 1. It wouldn't be a published book, but rather a web site, and
> 2. I'm not going to be writing all of it
> With that in mind, I would like to ask all of you (who I have received
> some excellent advice from, by the way) if any of you would be
> interested in contributing material to such a web site.  I simply don't
> have the time or experience to come up with everything, but I'm sure
> that collectively we could put something together that could be pretty
> slick.  I could easily host the site, and perhaps simply organize all
> of the information I receive from you.  I appreciate all the
> information already available with Struts, but I also like it when I
> can simply "look it up" and be done with it.
> I would like to see recipes posted there that cover everything from how
> to do stuff with tags, iBatis, tiles, and whatever else.  Even delving
> into other stuff like web services and how that ties in with Struts
> would be good.  I don't want to focus so much on concept as I would
> simply how to get something done quickly and easily.
> What do you think?  Good idea?  Dumb idea?  I'm interested in your
> thoughts on such a thing.  Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Regards,
> Andy

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