Wouldn't this be a great use of the (already existing) Struts Wiki?

On 2004-Mar-18 13:03, Hubert Rabago wrote:
> I've had this idea for months now and actually had some entries already
> written (with full web apps to illustrate) and I've also started collecting
> cookbook entries from responses to this mailing list.  I was in the process
> of writing the app to hold them late last year but got sidetracked.  
> So yes, I'm interested and would certainly participate.  What did you have in
> mind?  Where do you plan to host this?  What would the interface be?  Would
> it contain just code samples or would there be some way to also attach actual
> files/classes?
> Hubert
> --- Andy Engle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am a huge fan of O'Reilly's "cookbooks", which seem to contain a good
> > deal of useful material for doing all sorts of different things.  Today
> > I thought about the idea of making a Struts cookbook, although two
> > things would be different from how O'Reilly does it:
> > 
> > 1. It wouldn't be a published book, but rather a web site, and
> > 2. I'm not going to be writing all of it
> > 
> > With that in mind, I would like to ask all of you (who I have received
> > some excellent advice from, by the way) if any of you would be
> > interested in contributing material to such a web site.  I simply don't
> > have the time or experience to come up with everything, but I'm sure
> > that collectively we could put something together that could be pretty
> > slick.  I could easily host the site, and perhaps simply organize all
> > of the information I receive from you.  I appreciate all the
> > information already available with Struts, but I also like it when I
> > can simply "look it up" and be done with it.
> > 
> > I would like to see recipes posted there that cover everything from how
> > to do stuff with tags, iBatis, tiles, and whatever else.  Even delving
> > into other stuff like web services and how that ties in with Struts
> > would be good.  I don't want to focus so much on concept as I would
> > simply how to get something done quickly and easily.
> > 
> > What do you think?  Good idea?  Dumb idea?  I'm interested in your
> > thoughts on such a thing.  Looking forward to hearing from you.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Andy
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