On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:06 AM, "Paul-Erik Törrönen"

> > Brief Explanation:
> > Export the log book into HTML and use JavaScript to provide dynamic
> > experience.
> FWIW I have something like this already, a PHP-script which reads in the
> subsurface XML-file, pushes out JSON for a dive to a JS-script which draws
> the pressure and depth-graph (which is the hardest thing).
> The problem is that I wanted to more or less replicate what the
> application does, showing all the info (pO2, pN2, EAN, MOD etc.) in a
> popup when you traverse the graph with your mouse, but that information is
> not available to me, I would have to replicate the same calculations
> already done in Subsurface.

> So, if there is a way to dump all that already-calculated numbers for each
> dive as arrays (or even JSON), then it would be 'almost done' :-)

If the export function is implemented in Subsurface, then all this data
should be available and can be included in the produced output. So the plan
is to have this output possibility as part of the result on this GSOC
project. Even better, if the HTML/JS part is almost there.

> I am using the Highcharts (http://highcharts.com/) to plot in JS, but if
> the licence (free for non-profit) is an issue, then there most probably
> are some other JS graphing libs under more libre licensing.

I am not the one to make any decisions on license issues, but at least
Highcharts is free for non-profit use and allows redistribution and code
modifications for non-profit software. (We just need to mention that
Highcharts is not free for commercial use and provide link to their web

> Example can be viewed at: http://devel.poltsi.fi/websurface/340.html

Looks good. We just need to produce the HTML/JS from Subsurface with easy
to use interface, and no additional packages or installations (like PHP
would be in your current implementation), all self contained in Subsurface
installation package. As Dirk remembers to state, our average user is not
computer specialist :D

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