On 10 Sep 2014, at 17:42, Linus Torvalds <torva...@linux-foundation.org> wrote:


all your points are of course very valid.

> And the
> air-integrated computer is, I think, a much larger market. You can
> sell air integration to "normal divers", and in fact that is currently
> the main market, because so many serious divers scoff at it (for all
> the wrong reasons, imho). The existing scuba market is pretty clear
> about that market existing and being sustainable. In contrast, a very
> specialized logger? It doesn't have the same kind of wide market
> appeal.

I was (once more) not thinking so much about the general diver but more in the 
high end technical diving segment, people who would buy an OSTC or a Petrell or 
even (for philosophical reasons) only use a bottom timer (which can cost up to 
280 Euros as the xD Black demonstrates). My impression is that that type of 
diver would not want to trust a wireless connection and never ever consider 
running an extra hose down their arm.

Those people would be diving twinsets or at least two independent first stages 
so HD port scarcity is not so much of an issue and they would still use their 
analogue pressure gauge as they always had. Stage cylinder regulators might be 
a different issue though.

So I totally agree that would never be a mass market product but a niche at 


Robert C. Helling     Elite Master Course Theoretical and Mathematical Physics  
                      Scientific Coordinator                                   
                      Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Dept. Physik    
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