Il 10/set/2014 18:09 "Robert C. Helling" <> ha scritto:
> I was (once more) not thinking so much about the general diver but more
in the high end technical diving segment, people who would buy an OSTC or a
Petrell or even (for philosophical reasons) only use a bottom timer (which
can cost up to 280 Euros as the xD Black demonstrates). My impression is
that that type of diver would not want to trust a wireless connection and
never ever consider running an extra hose down their arm.

Correct. I would never trust it and it would be useful only having it on my
full cylinder set. So I will have maybe three or four plus backup. Hummm.

I have a Black BT :) and while I love it at the same time it has some
design problem and it's a shame they do not listen their customer feedback.
I wrote a long reply to Linus post on G+

> So I totally agree that would never be a mass market product but a niche
at best.

I think so.
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