On 20 March 2015 at 03:27, Marcos Cardinot <markoskardi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Firstly, I would like to introduce myself...
> I'm a computer engineer and a physics student who wishes to apply for GSoC
> this year.
> In order to get familiar with the source code, I have been studying it and
> working on some bugs.
> I've sent four patches so far... so, it means that I've read the
> 'contribution guidelines', compiled and ran subsurface from source
> successfully  =D

good to hear!

> There are two projects for which I would be very pleased to apply: 'Unit
> testing' and 'Asset management'.
> It seems that the mentors are not assigned yet (?) Please, let me  know if
> I'm wrong, in this case, it would be nice to know who are the potential
> mentors for each of these projects. =D
> I also have a couple of initial questions about them...

i don't think there are mentors assigned yet. it will happen
eventually, though...
our discussion is mostly in public - please, ask you questions in this
thread, for instance.

if you have diver specific questions, there are a lot of experienced
divers and Subsurface users here that can help you out.

> - Unit testing
> I saw that there are a few tests implemented using the Qt Test framework.
> However, I would suggest using the Google Test Framework. It is far more
> sophisticated and featureful unit testing framework, especially if we use it
> with Google Mock.

i would say we should stick to Qt tests, unless there are features
that we would *really* miss.

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