> *MANY* thanks for your powerful explanation. =D

You're welcome :)

> I have many ideas about how it should looks like and work... I'm doing
> some mockups and I will let you see it soon.

Great, I'd love to see them.

> I'm thinking about structures where users could add or/and group things by
> a simple "drag and drop"

That sounds good. The specification uses the word "groups", but I don't
really like this because groups seems to imply that an item belongs to a
single group. I prefer "sets". My Suunto dive computer, for example would
be part of both my "UK Cold Water" set, and my "Tropical" set, as I use it
wherever I go.

> - we could have a view or dialog with all equipments
> - users would be able to 'drag and drop' items from this view/dialog to
> the equipment tab

... and drag and drop complete sets too. Yes.

> - I think it's important to have pre-defined categories - easier to find
> items

I think some sort of structure would make sense, but I'm finding it hard to
imagine categories with the right granularity. I could see most categories
containing just a single item (or perhaps a choice of 2):

  - NDiver X3 Torch
  - Umbilical HID

  - Strobe
  - Whistle
  - Diver Alert

Breathing Gear
  - Regs
  - Cylinder
  - Guage/Console

Maybe something like that could work. This could perhaps use some input
from some of the more experienced/techy divers.

> - It would be nice if each category had a thumbnail - it could be
> configurable (eg. allow users to add a picture to a specific equipment,
> otherwise just use a default img of the corresponding category)
> - equipment tab : instead of showing a detailed list, we could show a kind
> of thumbnails list with very basic info (name + manufacturer + number of
> uses) - tooltip->more info - double click->dialog with details

For the equipment tab, I would simply go for something like
"{Manufacturer}: {Name}", and probably just in a straight list, or possibly
switchable between a list and thumbnails. I think that function needs to
win over form here, but would like to hear input from others.
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