>> That sounds good. The specification uses the word "groups", but I don't
>> really like this because groups seems to imply that an item belongs to a
>> single group. I prefer "sets". My Suunto dive computer, for example would
>> be part of both my "UK Cold Water" set, and my "Tropical" set, as I use it
>> wherever I go.
> Hmm... it would be just a case of "naming" - the base idea is to have
> exactly what you expect = one equipment can belongs to none, one or many
> groups/sets =D

Great. I'm not really fussed about the naming. I just didn't want you to
get the wrong impression.

> Maybe the name should be 'type' instead of 'category'.
> In this way, I think that it would not be a problem if we identify/name
> each equipment according to what it is...
> eg. http://iesa-fao.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Scuba-Gear.jpg ,
> http://www.scuba.com
> what do you think?

I don't really have strong feelings on it. I'm just not sure how much value
it really adds. I can just see most 'types' or 'categories' containing just
one item. A lot of divers will have 1 computer, 1 set of regs, 1 weight
belt, etc. Maybe a "show equipment type headers" option?

> Another aspect to consider it that a type of equipment can have a specific
> key property on a dive (which will be set only in the equipment tab on a
> dive, of course) - eg. cylinders and weights
> So, the equipment list would display only basic info (which are common to
> all equipment - user should be able to choose what columns they want to see
> in a list as well).
> Now I'm imagine how the user would set the parameters of a 'cylinder' in
> the equipment tab:
> 1) double click -> open small dialog box with these fields (pop-up)
> 2) single click -> a kind of accordion effect, fields appear (sliding) in
> the bottom of  the equipment tab (users should be able to stick this small
> side panel if they want - so, it would not be shrinking and stretching
> other fields in the equipment tab every time something is clicked)
> 3) ideas?

Ok, so something like "Weights - 4kg"

Yeah, i can see that working. One might even want to include defaults for
those key properties when including an item in a group/set. So, my weights
for "Tropical" would be 5kg and my weights for "UK Cold water" would be
12kg, but I might then also change them on a per-dive basis.

My only reservation is about including cylinders in the whole asset
management stuff. Cylinders are equipment, yes, but they also contain a
mix, and that stuff is important for the profile and deco planning. I have
a gut feeling that cylinders and mixes should remain independent of the
whole asset management thing. Would love some input from more experienced
divers on that.

> Actually I would like to avoid 'extra windows' as much as possible,
> because I think that there is nothing more annoying than a new dialog box
> popping-up as a new window for every single feature...
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